Evolutionary Biology

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  • Abitur, Humanistisches Gymnasium Hassfurt, 1969
  • Diplom (M. S.), Physics (minor: Mathematics), University of Erlangen/Nürnberg, 1977
  • Dr. rer. nat. (Ph. D.), Theoretical Biophysics, University of Konstanz, 1981

Honors and Awards

  • DFG Postdoctoral Fellow, 1984
  • NIH Visiting Associate, 1987-89
  • NIH Shannon Award, 1991
  • University of Maryland, Semester Research Award, 1994
  • University of Barcelona, Distinguished Visiting Research Professor, 1996
  • CNRS, Visiting Scientist, Gif-sur-Yvette, 1998
  • Bernhard Rensch Lecture, University of Münster, 2006
  • DFG Research Unit on Natural Selection in Structured Populations, Speaker, 2008-2016
  • DFG Senate Committee on Biodiversity, 2008-16
  • Center for Advanced Studies (CASLMU), LMU Munich, 2011-

Academic and Research Appointments

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Universities of Konstanz and Bremen, 1981-84, and Universities of Sussex and Edinburgh (with J. Maynard Smith and B. Charlesworth), 1984-85
  • Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, University of Technology Darmstadt, 1985-87
  • Visiting Associate, NIH, Research Triangle Park (with C.H. Langley), 1987-89
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, 1989-95
  • Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, 1995-97, and Department of Biology, University of Rochester, 1998-99
  • Full Professor, Department of Biology, University of Rochester, 1999-2000
  • Professor and Chair, Department of Biology, University of Munich, 2000-2015
  • Visiting Researcher, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, 2015-2022

Extramural Funding

  • NIH Grant, Potential mechanisms of epistatic fitness interactions, 1991-94
  • NSF Grant, Effects of a recent population size bottleneck on genetic variation of whooping cranes (Dissertation Research, Travis Glenn), 1994-96
  • NSF Grant, Effects of natural selection on genetic differentiation, 1994-98
  • NSF Research Training Grant, Biology of small populations (University of Maryland), 1996-2001
  • NIH Grant (with S. Tanda, Ohio University), Evolution by mutations with compensatory fitness interactions, 1998-2002
  • DFG Grant, Die Rolle der natürlichen Selektion in der genetischen Differenzierung von Populationen, 2001-06
  • DFG Grant, A population genetic approach to speciation in the genus Lycopersicon, Schwerpunktprogramm "Radiationen - Genese biologischer Diversität", 2002-08
  • DFG Grant (with G. Heubl, LMU Munich), Origin, evolution and adaptive radiation in the genus Micromeria Benth. (Lamiaceae) in Macaronesia, Schwerpunktprogramm "Radiationen - Genese biologischer Diversität", 2002-04
  • DFG Grant, Nachweis der natürlichen Selektion auf dem X-Chromosom von Drosophila melanogaster, 2002-05
  • VolkswagenStiftung Grant (with D. Tautz, U. of Cologne), Detecting adaptive trait loci via selective sweeps, 2003-06
  • DFG Grant (with L. Rose, LMU Munich), Evolution of a pathogen resistance pathway in the tomato genus, 2005-07
  • DFG Grant, Genetics of adaptation: selective sweeps in Drosophila melanogaster, 2007-10
  • DFG Grant, Population genetics of adaptation in wild tomatoes, 2007-10
  • DFG Grant (with U. Gerland, LMU Munich), Adaptation sensu Sewall Wright: evolution over rugged fitness landscapes, 2007-10
  • DFG Research Unit Grant, Selective sweeps in Drosophila melanogaster, 2008-14
  • DFG Grant (with S. Hutter, LMU Munich), Recent selection on immunity genes in Drosophila, Schwerpunktprogramm "Host-parasite coevolution", 2009-12
  • DFG Grant, Species demography and the distribution of fitness effects of new deleterious mutations in wild tomatoes (Solanum section Lycopersicon, 2010-13
  • DFG Grant, Adaptation genomics of wild tomatoes, 2012-15
  • DFG Grant (with S. Hutter, LMU Munich), Evidence for balancing selection at immunity genes in Drosophila, Schwerpunktprogramm "Host-parasite coevolution", 2012-15
  • DFG Grant, Recurrent selective sweeps versus trench warfare in host-parasite coevolution, Schwerpunktprogramm "Probabilistic Structures in Evolution", 2012-15
  • EU Grant, Marie Curie ITN "Intercrossing", Selective sweep data and next-generation-sequence data analysis, 2012-15
  • Center for Advanced Studies CASLMU (with Gisela Grupe, LMU München), Schwerpunktprogramm "Evolutionary Biology", 2014-16
  • DFG Priority Program (with Karl Schmid, Klaus Fischer, Eva Stukenbrock, and Ralph Tiedemann), "Rapid evolutionary adaptation: Potential and constraints", 2015-21
  • DFG Grant, Modeling and inference of genomic signatures of polygenic selection driving fast adaptation, Schwerpunktprogramm "Rapid evolutionary adaptation: Potential and constraints", 2015-21
  • DFG Grant, The role of recombination in rapid adaptive evolution of fungal plant pathogens: a comparative population genomics study (with PI Eva Stukenbrock, MPI für Evolutionsbiologie, Plön), Schwerpunktprogramm "Rapid evolutionary adaptation: Potential and constraints", 2015-21
  • DFG Grant, Recurrent selective sweeps versus trench warfare in host-parasite coevolution: the influence of population size changes (with Aurélien Tellier, TU Munich), Schwerpunktprogramm "Probabilistic Structures in Evolution", 2016-2019
  • Icelandic Research Fund Grant of Excellence (with Einar Arnason, Katrin Halldorsdottir, Bjarki Eldon, and Alison Etheridge), “Population genomics of highly fecund codfish“, 2018-21

Editorial Boards

  • Associate Editor, Evolution, 1993-95
  • Associate Editor, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 1998-2003
  • Associate Editor, Genetics, 1998-2003 and 2011-17


Ph.D. Students

T. Wiehe (Dr. rer. nat., 1995; DAAD fellow;  now Professor, U. of Cologne)

D. A. Kirby (Ph.D., 1996; Director and Professor, California Polytech. State U., San Luis Obispo)

T. C. Glenn (Ph.D., 1997; Professor, U. of Georgia)

J. Parsch (Ph.D., 1998; now Professor, LMU Munich)

Y. Kim (Ph.D., 2002; now Associate Professor, Ewha Woman's U., Seoul)

Y. Chen (Ph.D., 2003; Walter-Fitch-Prize 2002; now private sector)

J. F. Baines (Dr. rer. nat., 2004; now Professor, U. of Kiel)

S. Glinka (Dr. rer. nat., 2005; now private sector)

L. Ometto (Dr. rer. nat., 2006; Canestrini Award 2005; Associate Professor, University of Pavia, Italy)

S. Beisswanger (Dr. rer. nat., 2006; now private sector)

U. Arunyawat (Dr. rer. nat., 2007; DAAD fellow; Associate Professor, Kasetsart U., Bangkok, Thailand)

S. Hutter (Dr. rer. nat., 2007; now private sector)

N. Svetec (Dr. rer. nat., 2009; now Researcher, Rockefeller U., New York)

L. Grzeskowiak (Dr. rer. nat., 2009; now private sector)

C. Merino (Dr. rer. nat., 2009; now private sector)

H. Xia (Ph.D., 2010; now private sector)

A. Hörger  (Dr. rer. nat., 2011; Associate Professor, U. of Salzburg)

S. Laurent (Dr. rer. nat., 2011; private sector)

P. Pavlidis (Dr. rer. nat., Fellow of VW-Foundation, 2011; Associate Professor, U. of Crete, and Researcher, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Heraklion, Greece)

R. Piskol (Dr. rer. nat., 2011; now private sector)

A. Werzner (Dr. rer. nat., 2011; now DKMS German Bone Marrow Donor Center, Tübingen, Germany)

I. Fischer (Dr. rer. nat., Fellow of Bavarian Eliteförderung, 2012; now private sector)

F. Paparazzo (Dr. rer. nat., 2013; now High School Teacher in Milano)

P. Duchén (Dr. rer. nat., 2014; Group Leader, U. of Mainz)

R. Wilches (Dr. rer. nat., Fellow of VW-Foundation, 2014; now private sector)

S. Voigt (Dr. rer. nat., 2015; now Postdoc, TU Dresden)

K. Böndel (Dr. rer. nat., 2014; now Postdoc, Group Leader, U. of Hohenheim)

V. Božičević (Dr. rer. nat., 2017, now private sector)

K. von Heckel (Dr. rer. nat., 2017, now private sector)

M. Croze  (Dr. rer. nat., 2017, now Postdoc, Eurac Research, Institute for Mummy Studies, Bolzano)



J. M. Braverman (1997-98; Sloan fellow; Associate Professor, Jesuit Order, Saint Joseph’s U., Philadelphia)

C. Kerdelhué (1998-99; now Directrice de recherche, INRA, Orleans)

D. Carlini (1999-2001; now Associate Professor, American U., Washington, DC)

H. Innan (1999-2000; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellow; now Associate Professor, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama, Japan)

E. Baudry (1999-2000; Professor, U. of Paris)

A. Das (2000-04; Director, National Institute of Research in Tribal Health (NIRTH), Jabalpur, India)

S. Mohanty (2000-04; Associate Professor, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology U., Noida/Delhi)

T. Städler (2001-07; Senior Scientist, ETH Zürich)

H. Stenøien (2001; now Professor, U. of Trondheim)

S. Mousset (2002-04; Marie Curie fellow; now Maitre de Conference, U. of Lyon)

D. Presgraves (2003-04; Alexander von Humboldt fellow; now Professor, U. of Rochester)

H. Li (2003-06; Principal Investigator, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai)

L. Camus-Kulandaivelu (2007-09; now Chargée de Recherche, CIRAD,  Montpellier)

A. Tellier (2007-12; Fellow of VW-Foundation; now Professor, TU Munich)

M. Mboup (2009-12; now private sector)

D. Živković (2009-15; Fellow of VW-Foundation; now private sector)

T. Nosenko (2012-15; now private sector)

A. Wollstein (2011-14; Fellow of VW-Foundation; now private sector)

B. Eldon (2015-23; now Postdoc, Natural History Museum Berlin)


Research Associates (Wissenschaftliche Assistenten)

E. Baake (2000-01; now Professor, U. of Bielefeld)

C. Vogl (2001-02; now Assistant Professor, Vet. med. U. of Vienna)

D. De Lorenzo (2000-06; Associate Professor, U. of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)

P. Pfaffelhuber (2004-07; now Professor, U. of Freiburg)

L. Rose (2002-10; now Professor, U. of Düsseldorf)

S. Hutter (2008-15; now private sector)

K. Böndel (2014-15; now Group Leader, U. of Hohenheim)